Streamline Your Dealership: How Partnering for Forklift Battery Solutions Enhances Focus, Efficiency and Value for Your Customers
The forklift industry's landscape is changing dramatically. While many dealers have branched out into battery sales to offer one-stop shopping for...
What You Need to Know About Single Point Watering Systems
Single Point Watering Systems (SPWS) are great for efficiently filling forklift batteries with water. They save time and labor, making material handling operations like warehouses and distribution centers more efficient. And safer, so operators don’t need to remove batteries from their lift trucks to water their batteries.
Why Battery Watering is Important
Battery watering is essential to prolonging the life of your forklift battery. Proper watering helps prevent premature battery failure and costly battery replacement. However, in many cases, companies are not properly watering their forklift batteries. When they...